Skip and Glenda
Well, A year has passed since Skip's death. It really seems like I was just at the hospital with him. I still think of him almost daily. I miss him a lot. I try to remember the good things and the funny things of that time. The good thing of course was that I was able to stay with him at the hospital. That will always be one of my most treasured memories. And there were many funny moments while there. Skip had a great sense of humor and tried to make the best of a bad situation. He was always worried about everyone else while he was in there.
Life has gone on for the rest of us. Randy and I have been remodeling. That was a true test of our marriage! I think we are through for awhile. Our latest was getting our new ceramic tile installed in the kitchen/dining room and then a week later we had new carpets installed. We are very pleased with the outcome!
Back in June, the 3rd...2006, I threw a surprise birthday party for my Mom's 80th birthday. Her birthday was the 6th, which if you remember, a year prior to that, Skip recieved his new lungs. The Birthday party was a big hit! My mom was so surprised! She started to cry when she realized what was going on! Every time she would see a different face, she would start crying all over. There was about 33 people there if I remember right. There was a few very special people that could not make it, but we understood. Mom couldn't believe that all of these people would come to her birthday! And why wouldn't they, she is truely the best Mother that anyone could ever have. And the best woman I know. After the party Randy and I went over to her house and surprised her with a gift. It was a CD of "Ring of Fire" a movie that was partially made in Shelton, WA and in Lenonia, OR in 1960. My mother's Brothers were in the movie. They had several apperances! (They have both been dead for quite awhile) My Mom has always wanted a copy of the movie, but was never able to come up with one. (It took me a long time to find one) We also gave her a CD player to watch it on. That was the end of an almost perfect day. (Perfect would have been if Skip would have been there.)